1 (832) 886-4774 Sugarland Appointment 1 (979) 282-6151 Wharton Appointment

Empowering you to live your best life.

Medical Weight Loss Plans

Weight loss doesn't begin in the gym; it starts in your head with a decision to be the best you!

We have the plan for you..

"Your appearance may be one aspect of who you are, but it's also the aspect that's most visible to the world.

Medical Weight Management

At Allure, we understand that weight loss is not a one-size-fit-all journey.  That why we offer five unique weight loss program options.  Each program​ is medically supervised and designed to help you reach your weight loss goals.  

Our programs combine specific components to help clients achieve optimum weight loss results and increased well-being.  Our goal is to boost your metabolism and to help you lose large amounts of fat, all without feeling hungry.

What are the benefits to losing weight?

There are numerous benefits to losing weight. People often focus on how it will change their appearance,​ but losing weight has benefits that go way beyond an aesthetic change. 

Weight loss benefits include:

  • Lowering your risk for diabetes, heart disease, chronic pain, and other serious health conditions
  • Improving your cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Increasing your energy level
  • Adding years to your life
  • Feeling more confident and comfortable in your body

Weight Loss Plans (WLP) Are Not One-Size-Fit-All. 
We Have Created Five Unique Plans To Choose From.

Lighten Up Plan

Monthly: $99  + $250 for a 3 mo. prescription

This plan is based on proven methods of weight loss. You will get a personalized health assessment, and a prescription for FDA-approved weight loss medications. You will also get regular follow-ups and support from a team of medical professionals.

Initial consultation, physical exam, labs* + ekg.
Monthly office visits to monitor progress
30 day weight loss prescription


Monthly: $199/mo.

This plan is for those who want to lose weight without surgery or downtime. You will get a personalized health assessment, FDA- approved weight loss medication, as well  as a weekly injection of our Lipo Fat Burner vitamin injection that dissolves fat cells in targeted areas of your body, increased your energy and metabolism and help to detoxify your body. You will also get regular follow-ups and support from a team of medical professionals.

Initial consultation, physical exam, labs* + ekg.
30 day weight loss prescription
Weekly Fat Burner Injection (Lipo Mino/MICC)


Monthly: $250/mo.  3 month plan

This plan is focused on improving your overall health and wellness, not just your weight. This physician supervised program is designed to help any individual reach his or her specific weight loss goals. The Olympia weight management protocol uses a combination of Naltrexone, Sermorelin, Lipo-Trim SL and low calorie intake to achieve optimum weight loss results. The protocol may also boost metabolism and help patients lose large amounts of fat, all without feeling hungry.

30 day prescription of Olympia Weight Loss Plan
(Naltrexone, Semoreline, Lipo-Trim)


Monthly: $300/mo.

This plan is based on the latest scientific research and proven methods of weight loss. You will get a personalized health assessment, weekly injections of compounded Semaglutide (Ozempic). You will also get regular follow-ups and support from a team of medical professionals.

Initial consultation, physical exam, labs*
4 week supply compounded semaglutide weekly
Injections (Ozempic)
Monthly office visits to monitor progress

Optimum Fit

Monthly: $500/mo.

This plan is for those who want to optimize their weight loss results and performance. You will get a cutting-edge approach that utilizes a combination of metabolic boosting injections. You will also receive a personalized health assessment and routine follow-ups and support from a team of medical professionals.

Initial medical consultation, physical exam, labs*
60 day prescription (Sermorelin, L-Carnitine, Amino Blend) designed to help patients achieve optimal fitness

Weight Loss Boosters

Weight Loss Boosters are for those who want to optimize their weight loss results and performance. You will get a cutting-edge approach that utilizes a combination of metabolic boosting injections. 

Fat Burner Injections   
Retail:$30      Member:$25        Pkg:6/$165

B-Lean IV Vitamin Infusion   
Retail:$129     Member:$99

Some of the components we use to help you reach your weight loss goals.

Biote Hormone Optimization

Optimized hormones are changing the lives of men and women.  Our Biote Hormone Optimization program increases energy, strength and promotes weight loss.  When your hormones are perfectly balanced you will experience better moods, memory and mental clarity.  It also restores libido and improves relationships.  Start feeling younger, healthier and happier today.


Naltrexone  Naltrexone in low dosages, is referred to as Low Dose  Naltrexone, or LDN.  LDN possible benefits include:

  • May help decrease insulin levels which can improve growth hormone levels in clients. Growth hormone helps the body burn fat and maintain lean muscle mass.
  • May help normalize appetite and reduce hunger.
  • In some studies, LDN has shown to reduce general inflammation throughout the body
  • Naltrexone may help to normalize this mismatch between calories burned and appetite, especially in clients with hormone imbalances.
Sermoreline: Sub Q Injection

Sermorelin stimulates the pituitary to product more of your own body's growth hormone.  Growth hormone production drops as we age.  Increased growth hormones can increase development of lean body mass through the development of new muscle cells.  Higher growth hormone levels reduce body fat through lipolysis.


A concretrated sublingual oral spray which includes a combination of amino acids and B vitamins.

Can help the body convert fat into energy
May help reduce cravings
Can help support immune system

Supplemental Medications

Following a low-carlorie diet, there are also other variables to consider.  For example, immune system and energy may both be in short supply when restricting  calories. Both immune response and energy enhancers may be options to fulfill deficiencies in the areas.  Below are options to consider.  

MICC and Lipo-MIno Mix are great options to increase your energy and strengthen your immune system.  Learn more about each click on the links below.


MICC is an acromym for the compounds: L-Methionin, Choline and Cyanocobalamin. These are lipotropic agents which help with the breakdown of  fat during metabolism in the body.  Often  referred to as fat burning injections.  These components especially inositol and choline, hace been found to improve mental function and feelings of depression.

Lipo MIno Mix

Lipo-MIno Mix Starts with a special lipotropics fat burning combination of methionine, inositol, choline, carnitiine, B1, B2, B6, and B12 each of these ingredients helps the body to turn fat into energy.


Accountability means showing up for yourself everyday... as you embark on this paramount journey to success.  

Accountability is an important aspect for any lifestyle change.  That is extremely true for losing weight, it means that you are aware of your part in the success of your experience and your goals.  

When you accept accountability the process becomes transformational.  Transformational is not about "The New You"  - transformation moves you forward to the "Next You".   We at Allure, will compassionately support and hold you accountable and keep you motivated during your weight loss journey.  

Life is about balance - 
let us help you find yours!

 schedule consultation